Easy PDF Formula To Earn Money $(500 - 2,000) USD Every Day
Guess What?....eBooks Are Only PDFs in Disgui
Guess What?....eBooks Are Only PDFs in Disguise.
"Discover …
How to Create Quick, Easy to Write 10 to 15 Page PDFs
That Sell Like Hot Cakes
Without Spending Hours Writing!''
I'm sure if you've done anything online you've seen people building their lists and selling eBooks/PDFs/reports containing information people are willing to pay for.
I wanted to do the same thing. Sell an eBook, make some money and get buyers on my list. Wouldn't you want that too?
But I found that I struggled. I struggled getting started. I agonized with how perfect an eBook needed to be.
I even cringed at the thoughts of spending hours writing?
I wondered if I could ever make any money online with eBooks or PDFs.
And when I thought about writing an eBook I just got overwhelmed.
Do these things apply to you to? CLICK HERE....
If you have the same challenges then I have some important news for you.
Guess what you are NOT alone.
In fact, most of the full time marketers that I've spoken to all started out struggling to create a simple PDF.
So, if you answered yes as well and have the same struggles I had...
There Is a Solution!
Let me introduce myself.
Hi, I'm Linda.
And as you can see I'm no spring chick. I didn't grow up with all this technology.
But, I wanted (make that needed) to make money online to subsidize my pension and see me through my retirement.
I knew in my heart that I could make money writing and selling eBooks. But for some reason, I didn’t believe I could do it.
Just the word eBook was intimidating – -
I always thought eBooks needed to be lots and lots of pages. Don't you?
I worried it had to be perfect? Since I knew I wasn't a writer, perfect was impossible.
And I really didn't want to spend weeks or even months writing. Don't you have better things to do with your time? I know I do.
And one of my biggest worries was who would listen to an old lady? I'm a nobody. I don't have any special skills or talents.
I don’t know about you but…
I let the idea of writing an eBook intimidate me.
I let the idea of writing an eBook intimidate me.
Here is some proof...
Look at some of the money rolling in day by day from short PDFs.
The Easy PDF Formula
Here are some testimonials from real people who have purchased the course:
By Now you’re probably wondering
“How much does this cost?”
For me to coach you privately on writing and selling eBooks you’d be paying $100 an hour or more to add this information to your arsenal.
Due to the profound nature of this information, this would easily sell for $497. And people who buy it would be extremely happy.
Here’s why:
You see, I didn’t put this product together for people who are already successful. I created this for my friends who are struggling, still spinning their wheels, still not experiencing the results they want.
For this reason I’m going to be granting access to this course for a price much less than it should be.
That said you can get INSTANT access to the ENTIRE Easy PDF Formula for a one-time low investment of only $11.95.
You will find In This Step by Step 5 Module Course
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
But Wait! There’s More…
5 Reasons Every Coach Needs a Book
Are you a coach struggling to bring in new clients? Not sure what to do next in your marketing plan? There’s one simple answer you probably haven’t considered:
Write a book.
Find out the 5 reasons you should write a book.
A Winning Mindset
Your Mind is Your Strongest Weapon!
It is important in your success or failure.
It is important in your success or failure.
Henry Ford said it all, "If you think you can or think you can't either way you are right."
This 29 page eBook will show you the way to a winning mindset. CLICK HERE BONUS NOW
This 29 page eBook will show you the way to a winning mindset. CLICK HERE BONUS NOW
Guide to Self Publishing Success
Write eBooks, self-publish them on Amazon and start living the author lifestyle.
This 26 page eBook will guide you through the process of self publishing on Amazon. CLICK HERE BONUS NOW
Action Guide
Use the action guide to make sure you are on track to complete your PDF. So that you can enjoy a passive income stream.
It is a summary of the steps necessary for creating your eBook and the life you desire. CLICK HERE...
The URLs for all of the websites discussed in the videos.
- Where to create free covers
- Where to find free images
- Where to find free content
- Where to get ideas
- Where to promote
- Where to sell
- Press release sites
- And more
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